Thursday, May 5, 2011


So, yesterday the email address that I use strictly for a FB login was hacked - a lot of emails sent to everyone I know.  I don't know how they got some of the names since I had cleaned out the address book the last time they hacked me.  A minor annoyance but a quick email apology and all was good.  THIS morning I find that my main personal email address has now also been hacked and people I hardly know, but might have emailed once 5 years ago, got some pretty interesting offer from me today!  I fail to see how this is of any entertainment for the ones who start these things -they can't see how much of my day was spent apologizing for the emails and fixing the issue, so how is this a good use of time and talents??

So that's my rant today...on the bright side I was able to finish the second of 5 Christmas knits last night.  All but the blocking and putting together which I am going to do all at once.  They are small projects so the last step should only take an evening...maybe December 24th??

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